Tree Tags

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Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac Syringa reticulata Native to: Eastern Asia SIU Carbondale Southern Illinois university Arboretum

The Arboretum Advisory Committee expanded on a tree tagging effort initially established for a tree identification course, where QR codes were affixed to select trees at about four and a half feet high on the side of the tree most visible to the nearest walkway.

The QR codes, when scanned by a smart phone with a code scanning application, link to a dedicated website that tells the user about the tree. The website identifies the tree by both common and scientific names, and shows identification markers such as leaves, twigs and buds, bark, and fruit.

The Grounds Division and IT staff of Plant & Service Operations provide technological assistance with this project, while Print & Duplicating provide the design and the Art Department provided the printing of the QR tags. The tree identification program is available to the public, as the QR codes can be scanned by anyone with a smartphone or tablet. The program is the only one like it in the state, and one of very few at colleges and universities nationwide.

Tree Listing